We invite all young adults (18-35) in Washington, DC to join Juventutem DC in discovering the traditional Roman liturgy and implementing Summorum Pontificum, the Apostolic Letter of Pope Benedict XVI restoring the Traditional Latin Mass to the life of the Catholic Church.
Juventutem DC is a chapter of the Juventutem International Federation, a global Catholic network fostering the sanctification of the youths worldwide according to the traditions of the Catholic Church. Juventutem DC adopts as its mission this sanctification of young adults, aged 18-36, in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
It adopts this mission at the invitation of Pope Benedict XVI who, in his 2007 motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum, affirmed the liberty and desirability of celebration of the liturgical books of the ancient Roman Rite in its most recent promulgation in 1962 by Pope St. John XXIII as an “extraordinary expression” of the Church’s worship, which “must be given due honour for its venerable and ancient usage.”
To this end, which it views as a harmonious response to the Church's call for a New Evangelization, Juventutem DC seeks to build a local membership of young adults and clergy united in the Catholic faith and expressed by a love of her traditional liturgies and spiritual formation, particularly in the form of spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Juventutem DC collaborates with youth groups, young adult associations, parishes, dioceses, oratories, religious orders, communities, institutes, universities, charitable organizations, and all other like-minded individuals and corporate organizations, locally, nationally, and internationally to achieve its aims. In all of these collaborations, Juventutem DC’s principal aim is for the fruitful implementation of Summorum Pontificum in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
RT @NCRegister: "We are at war for our own souls and the souls of people we love. We are at war for the soul of this culture and na… https://t.co/R3swcKTpag
RT @ICKSP: #SursumCorda Young Adults: Join us for a weekend retreat offering daily Mass, confession, adoration & spiritual for… https://t.co/k5j1JjIgDZ
"Ross Perot"
RT @CUAarchives: With the recent news that he'll soon be beatified, Fulton Sheen just moved closer to sainthood! As an alumnus and l… https://t.co/TvXJbqLJhQ
RT @fatherz: Outstanding. This is more and more my experience as well. Most, if not all, celebrate a TLM for 1st Mass or soon. https://t.co/a1A1ENWPch